General meetings

The shareholders’ right to make decisions in Bactiguard’s affairs is exercised at the general meeting, which, according to the Companies Act is the company’s highest decision-making body. Rules governing the general meeting are found in the Companies Act, the Code, and sections 10–12 of the company’s articles of association. All shareholders registered in the share register on the record date and who have notified their participation in time have the right to attend the meeting and vote for the total holding of shares.

Notice of the general meeting is given by making the notice available on the Company’s website and by advertising in The Official Swedish Gazette (Post- och Inrikes Tidningar, PoIT). At the same time as the notice is given, information that the notice has been made is advertised in Dagens Industri.

Annual General Meeting

A shareholder who wishes to have a matter addressed at the annual general meeting must request this in writing to the board. The matter shall be taken up at the annual general meeting if the board receives the request no later than seven weeks before the annual general meeting. All shareholders have the right to inquire about meeting matters and the company and group’s financial situation.

The annual general meeting shall be held in Stockholm within six months of the end of the fiscal year. The company’s fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31.

The annual general meeting decides, among other things, on adopting the Company’s annual report, the appropriation of the Company’s profit or loss, and on the discharge from liability of the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO. The annual general meeting also appoints board members and auditors and decides on instructions for the nomination committee, remuneration for the board and auditors, and the guidelines for determining salary and other remuneration to the CEO and other management. Decisions at the general meeting are normally made by a simple majority, except in cases where the Companies Act stipulates a higher proportion of the shares and votes represented at the meeting, such as in decisions to amend the articles of association.

Decisions made at the general meeting are published after the meeting in a press release, and the minutes from the meeting are published on the Company’s website.

This is a translation of the original Swedish wording. In the event of deviations, the Swedish version available on the company’s website,, applies.