Hydrocyn® aqua inactivates the coronavirus causing COVID-19

02 June 2020, 16:40 CET Regulatory

The effect of Hydrocyn® aqua (Hydrocyn) on the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) causing COVID-19 has been confirmed. Tests performed by the Swedish National Veterinary Institute show that 99.9% of the virus particles were killed after exposure to Hydrocyn. Bactiguard launched Hydrocyn in the Swedish market in March, with focus on critical societal functions.

In collaboration with the Swedish National Veterinary Institute (SVA), tests have been conducted with Hydrocyn on a viral culture of the new corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19. The result shows that 99.9% of the virus particles were inactivated – which means, they were no longer functional and thus not contagious.

“The result is important in the fight against the spread of COVID-19. There is no vaccine yet and no effective COVID-19 drugs are available, so there is great need for effective prevention. Health care and the public need access to products that protect against the new coronavirus. We are therefore pleased that we have been able to prove that Hydrocyn is effective against this new virus and hope that we will soon be able to offer it to Swedish consumers,” says Stefan Grass, Bactiguard’s Chief Medical Officer, MD PhD and formerly active as specialist physician in anesthesia and intensive care.

“In addition to documented effects against coronavirus, Hydrocyn is also effective against bacteria and fungi. Unlike disinfectants based on, for example, alcohol, Hydrocyn is also kind to the body and does not cause irritation or tissue damage,” adds Stefan Grass.

Bactiguard launched Hydrocyn in the Swedish market in mid-March and received customer orders, including from the Police Authority, in the first days after the launch, at a total value of just over SEK 20 million.

This information is information that Bactiguard Holding AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below 2020-06-02, at. 16.40.

For further information, please contact:
Stefan Grass, Chief Medical Officer and Deputy CEO
e-mail stefan.grass@bactiguard.se, mobile +46 707 25 24 48

Cecilia Edström, CEO, e-mail cecilia.edstrom@bactiguard.se, phone: +46 8 440 58 80


About Hydrocyn® aqua
Bactiguard launched Hydrocyn® aqua in Sweden on March 12. Hydrocyn® aqua is an advanced disinfectant that is pH-neutral and water-based and can be used as a disinfectant solution for, for example, skin and surfaces. Unlike alcohol-based disinfectants, Hydrocyn® aqua is not irritating, toxic or harmful to the body. It is also not flammable. The active substance (HOCl) is a natural part of the human immune system. The product is CE marked (approved in the EU), registered by the US FDA and approved by the Swedish Chemicals Agency.

Media & Investor Relations

  • Nina Nornholm

    Nina Nornholm

    Head of Corporate Communication & Investor Relations

    +46 70 855 0356